μ for mesoscale and microstructure, PRO for property and professional.
Phase-field based, comprehensive simulation software packages.

About the μ-PRO software suites
Our software allows material researchers in academia and industry to model and predict the temporal evolution of a material's internal local microstructures and properties, as well as the overall responses of an entire microstructure under external mechanical, electrical, or magnetic fields. This assists in guiding the understanding of experimental observations on existing materials, or in the design and discovery of new material microstructures.

Ferroelectric Module enables the modeling of the 3D polarization domain structure evolution under external thermal, chemical, electrical, and mechanical stimuli in bulk single crystals, epitaxial thin films, and nanostructures.

Ferromagnetic Module enables 3D temporal evolution of local magnetization in response to external mechanical, magnetic, current-induced spin torque stimuli in bulk, thin film, nanostructural crystalline and amorphous magnetic materials.

Effective properties
The Effective Properties Module calculates the effective properties of arbitrary microstructures, ranging from diffusivity, thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity, and elastic stiffness, to dielectric permittivity, as well as coupled properties such as piezoelectric coefficients and magnetoelectric coefficients. It does this using either experimentally characterized or computed microstructures as inputs.

The Impedance Module calculates the effective impedance for a composite system under various frequencies, taking into account the permittivity, conductivity, and polarization distribution.

Dielectric Breakdown
The Dielectric Breakdown Module provides a stochastic simulation program for predicting the breakdown path in dielectric materials. It simulates the development of the breakdown path within a dielectric composite material. The simulation system must be in a rectangular shape, but an arbitrary number of phases, with any geometry, can be considered in the simulation.

The PREcipitation DIfussion and reaCTion (PREDICT) Module is capable of performing phase-field simulations of microstructure evolution during precipitation, as well as interdiffusion and reactions in multicomponent, multiphase systems. This includes systems involving both solution and stoichiometric phases.
Customize simulations to your needs with our SDK.
The Mu-PRO SDK provides all the necessary tools for building customized simulation programs suited to specific use cases.
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